Good news for central employees, dearness allowance increased by 4%

dearness allowance increased by 4%

This news is for those who work for the government. The government is going to give gifts to its employees on Diwali. The government is going to give special gifts to its employees during the holidays. This gift will be more than the amount they receive in the second half of the year, from July to December. Previously, many states have paid their workers a little more money, but only for the first half of the year, from January to June.

Some state governments in India, such as Madhya Pradesh, Sikkim, Odisha, Karnataka, Jharkhand and Himachal Pradesh, have given more money to their employees. This additional money is called dearness allowance and there has been an increase of 4 percent in it. Now instead of getting 38 percent more money, these workers are getting 42 percent more. The central government also said they will give their employees more in March.

बने Lakhpati Didi: महिलाओं को सरकार दे रही है लखपति बनने का मौका, जाने कैसे?

Waiting for the second part means being patient and not giving up until the second part of something happens.

The government may say that it will give more money to its employees during special times called Navratri and Diwali. They think they will pay workers 3 per cent more money from July 1, 2023. Last time, in March 2023, they gave 4 per cent more money, taking the total to an additional 42 per cent.

7th Pay Commission: केन्द्रीय कर्मचारियों के DA में बढौतरी, अब DA बढ़कर हुआ 46%, बढ़ेगी सैलरी

The formula to calculate DA is like a special prescription that tells us how to find a certain number. It helps us determine how much money someone should receive in addition to their regular salary. It is like a puzzle that helps us solve the problem of locating extra money.

Chandrayaan 3: चंद्रयान 1 से लेकर चंद्रयान 3 तक का सफर, इसरो भारत की शान

When the price of things increases, the government gives more money to people who get special allowances or who are retired. They decide how much more money to pay by looking at how much the price of things has increased over the past year.

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