Juvenile Delinquency | Essay Writing

Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile Delinquency-Writing essay 

Juvenile Delinquency

Introduction – ” In our country, children are considered a gift from heaven and if the child is a boy, then nothing could be more soothing for the family. From the very beginning, children are exempted from severe punishment for any wrong commitment on their part irrespective of the gravity of the act “. The one statement itself says and justifies the social evil, our society is facing today: juvenile Delinquency.

Juvenile youth – juvenile delinquents are mainly classified on the basis of their behavioural patterns. They range from the escapers, truant and get involved in petty thefts and armed robberies, destruction of property, violence and sexual offences. They are also classified according to the type of violation they commit. Thus, psychologists have grouped juvenile delinquents on the basis of their personality traits as mentally defective, psychotic, neurotic, situational and cultural delinquents.

Problems of juvenile – It is extremely hard to trace and keep a check on juvenile delinquency as of all the delinquencies committed by juveniles, only a small percentage comes to the notice of the police and the courts. Reason being that Courts and juvenile rights advocates believe that second chances should be given to youth, who commit crimes, so criminals and are walking in the streets, living as our neighbours and in many cases committing additional crimes.

Influences – The media plays a major role in creating bogus desires and images in the minds of the youth, for which they are willing to do anything. Moreover, unmonitored access to the internet is another reason for the growth in these crimes, The children belonging to the elite class, who are either sons or daughters of politicians, businessmen are also found involved in crime.

Conclusion – Moreover, we need to pay greater attention to improve the average condition in a society so that no children confront such situations as forcing them to adopt unacceptable behavioural patterns. We need to find ways and means to pool the youthful energy of the children in a constrictive and desired direction.

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